
The Catalyst ™

For over 16 years, I created brand stories that sold products and magnetically attracted customers and clients. Join my weekly newsletter to learn how to use personal branding to attract clients and position you as not just a leader, but a category of one.

A newsletter to transform your personal brand.

How to 'Live Rent-Free' in Your Customer's Head

How to 'Live Rent-Free' in Your Customer's Head 3-minute read "Why do people buy?" If you own a business or work in sales, that's probably a question you've asked yourself at least once or twice. And if you haven't, you should, because the most effective marketing and sales processes come from understanding the needs and wants of our customers. No matter what they sell or what the price, it's a cold truth that businesses that don't know what their customers' need or want will have a very hard...
A newsletter to transform your personal brand.

How to Network on LinkedIn: Building Real Relationships Without the Sales Pitch

How to Network on LinkedIn: Building Real Relationships Without the Sales Pitch (4 minute read) Can You Relate to This? You get a connection request, and minutes later, you’re hit with a direct message. At first, you're excited. A new connection! They ask how you're doing and what you do, but just as soon as the conversation has started, it quickly shifts into a sales pitch for their service. You feel used, unseen, and certain they aren’t really interested in you or your business—they're just...

From Product to Personal Brand: The Art of Creating a Magnetic Identity

From Product to Personal Brand: The Art of Creating a Magnetic Identity (4 minute read) Invisible vs. the Favorite Imagine walking down the cereal aisle in a grocery store. Boxes of all shapes, colors, and sizes are fighting for your attention. You notice a bright, colorful box with a familiar logo, and without much thought, you toss it into your cart. You’ve chosen it a hundred times before, and it’s never let you down. Now, think about the plain box sitting right next to it. You’ve never...

Faster, Stronger, Better: The Power of Discomfort

Dear Reader, (3 minute read) When was the last time you felt truly uncomfortable? Maybe it was a social setting where you didn't know any of the other guest. Maybe you were taking on a new challenge at work, or a new project, and you felt entirely out of your league. Maybe it was learning a new skill, and you felt entirely overwhelmed. Or maybe it was that 6 AM workout that you just really, really didn't feel like doing. Those early morning workouts, bruh But what if I told you that embracing...